“The Alpha Team was a great opportunity, that taught me a lot me on several levels. First of all, the fact that the team is made of people from all over the world and with different backgrounds encouraged me to pay attention to the colleagues I was working with, trying to understand who they were and how we could make the most as a team from the different individual experiences. Then, the challenge of having to use a digital tool to communicate, forced me to be punctual and effective both with the output I had to deliver and when communicating with the rest of the team. Finally, being a relatively small team with a minimal organization, I felt very accountable for my actions, and I had to use my leadership skills to support our team leader to make sure he had adequate support throughout the whole process. Overall, I feel that the Alpha Team was a great and unique experience that brings you the challenge of a real life business problem, while making you part of an environment that stimulates your growth, both from a personal and a professional standpoint.”